How necessary is it to remind
A loving couple that they are in love?
Perhaps a well-placed word might pierce the rind,
Penetrating hearts that dormant prove.
Years accumulate like fallen snow,
Vast fields of understanding, thick and cold,
As time surrenders even those who know,
Leaving love a story long since told.
Each year, therefore, occasion must be made,
Name-day of love, that lovers all might speak,
Taking a risk that else they might evade,
In search of pleasure even angels seek.
Need comes slowly, like a warm spring rain.
Except one sing, the song must be in vain.
A loving couple that they are in love?
Perhaps a well-placed word might pierce the rind,
Penetrating hearts that dormant prove.
Years accumulate like fallen snow,
Vast fields of understanding, thick and cold,
As time surrenders even those who know,
Leaving love a story long since told.
Each year, therefore, occasion must be made,
Name-day of love, that lovers all might speak,
Taking a risk that else they might evade,
In search of pleasure even angels seek.
Need comes slowly, like a warm spring rain.
Except one sing, the song must be in vain.